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There are so many choices of reborn magnetic pacifiers that you are going to want to do a thorough internet search. Purchasing one of these pacifiers is a personal choice due to the different styles, but there are a few things you will need to remember.
- Not all reborn dolls have magnets inside their heads.
2. You can place a neutral metal disk inside your reborn doll's head. That way, you can purchase any magnetic pacifier online and you will be sure that the two metals will be attracted to each other.
3. You can place your own magnet inside your doll's head and order a pacifier kit that just has the parts. That way you can determine the polarity of the metals and be able to match the pacifier with your doll's magnet.
The best thing to do is put a neutral metal disk or washer inside your doll's head. That way you will be able to order either a pacifier kit or a pacifier that already has the magnet attached and it will always work. Make sure the metal disk is thick enough and is not made of stainless steel or aluminum or it will not attract a magnet.
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