Thursday, May 30, 2013

Reborn Magnetic Pacifiers - Should You Buy With or Without the Magnet Attached

Reborn magnetic pacifiers typically come in one of two ways: with the magnet attached or with the magnet unattached.  Some websites offer you the option.  Why does it matter?

If your doll already has a magnet inside its mouth, purchasing a pacifier with the magnet attached is risky, because you have no way of knowing if your magnet will attract or repel the magnet on the pacifier. Since determining the polarity of the magnet attached to the pacifier before having it in hand is impossible, it is recommended you purchase a pacifier with the magnet included but unattached in this case.

If you are building your doll, we suggest you mount a neutral metal disk inside your reborn doll's head.  Use caution in your selection! Be careful what kind of disk you use!  A metal washer has a hole in the middle, which can cause the magnetic pacifier to veer to one side or the other.  It's best to find a solid disk if at all possible.  They are sold online but you have to do quite a bit of searching.

Also, when you choose a solid metal disk, be sure it contains iron, as magnets are not attracted to all metals that contain stainless steel or aluminum.   It also has to be big enough and strong enough to work through the doll's skin, especially if the doll has an open mouth.  You can prevent the uncertainty of this method by simply mounting a magnet in your doll's head and purchasing a magnetic pacifier kit.

If you purchase a pacifier with the magnet NOT ATTACHED, you will have to assemble the items.  However, this may be the best choice to ensure correct polarity and avoid ending up with a pacifier you can't use.  Our magnetic pacifier kits come with a prepared pacifier (nipple removed down to a fairly flat surface), a strong neodymium magnet, 2 glue dots to hold the magnet in place on the pacifier (although we suggest using a permanent adhesive once polarity is determined to ensure magnet does not become unattached),  an adhesive backed felt cover to put over the magnet to protect your doll's face, and instructions or a link to instructions. To view our reborn doll pacifiers and pacifier kits, please click here. :)

This is Noah sporting his "prince charming" pacifier.  Perfectly suited for him, don't you think?  

The downside of buying a pacifier with the magnet not attached is the inconvenience of having to purchase multiple supplies when you only need a small amount to have your pacifier ready to use. The other downside is finding an adhesive that works well and/or does not contain harmful vapors.  E6000 is a popular and extremely effective adhesive, however (as stated on the package) its vapors are known in the state of CA to cause cancer.  Many reborn doll artists use it anyway, as do other crafters who want to ensure a secure permanent hold.  If using E6000 we highly suggest doing so in a well ventilated room with open windows and/or with use of a mask.

Our "Prince Charming" Reborn Doll Magnetic Pacifier

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reborn Magnetic Pacifiers - Where to Find Discounts

Reborn Magnetic Pacifiers are a great addition to any reborn baby doll's wardrobe.  They are adorable and convenient and are sold online in many different stores.  There are stores who will discount their pacifiers right up front and then again give discounts for repeat buyers.  To find them you just need to do a google search and type in "Reborn Magnetic Pacifier Discounts" or "Magnetic Pacifier Discount Coupon Code".

You can find discounts by CLICKING HERE and using the discount coupon code REBORN to save 10% off your first purchase.  You may also be able to visit other online stores and get discounts when you become a repeat buyer.

There are so many choices of reborn magnetic pacifiers that you are going to want to do a thorough internet search.  Purchasing one of these pacifiers is a personal choice due to the different styles, but there are a few things you will need to remember.

  1. Not all reborn dolls have magnets inside their heads.  
If there is a magnet inside your doll's head, then that magnet already has a set polarity.  Therefore, when you purchase a magnetic pacifier with the magnet already attached, you will not know for sure if that pacifier will work with your doll.

    2.  You can place a neutral metal disk inside your reborn doll's head.  That way, you can purchase any magnetic pacifier online and you will be sure that the two metals will be attracted to each other.

    3.  You can place your own magnet inside your doll's head and order a pacifier kit that just has the parts.  That way you can determine the polarity of the metals and be able to match the pacifier with your doll's magnet.

The best thing to do is put a neutral metal disk or washer inside your doll's head.  That way you will be able to order either a pacifier kit or a pacifier that already has the magnet attached and it will always work.  Make sure the metal disk is thick enough and is not made of stainless steel or aluminum or it will not attract a magnet.